hketkjCamp BondsteelhgaE
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Army website
Camp Bondsteel is a camp in Serbia. The camp is a USA camp. The camp is one of the biggest as you can see in this picture. The camp was made after the bombing of the former Yugoslavia. The US bought 1,000 acres of land to make up this big camp. 
The camp is like a town they have a store  called the PX. There are many places to eat like Bk, there is a pizza house that you can each at. There are places to do your launder and go rent movie just like your home town. A lot of people live on this camp.
This is a picture of the barracks at camp.shsfdhfhsh

hshThis is a picture of BK at the camp.

Camp bondsteel in snow.dfgjdf

   thwterheThis is a helicopter in Kosovo.